Alcohol Detox

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Alcohol Detox Program in California

Alcohol use disorder is no stranger to individuals in California. In fact, according to the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) 2020-2021 report, approximately 19,335 people died per year between 2020 and 2021 as a result of excessive alcohol use.

The undeniable need for alcohol addiction treatment and alcohol abuse detox programs is the reason why Path to Recovery exists. We are here to help those suffering from alcohol abuse, walking with them as they work to establish healthier, substance abuse-free lives.

If you or someone you know needs help to overcome alcoholism in California, Path to Recovery is ready to assist. Our medical detox center in Pasadena can help those who are in need of medical supervision as they detox from drug and alcohol misuse.

What is Alcohol?

Alcohol is a depressant substance that, although legal, can be addictive. After using alcohol for a while, a person can grow dependent on the substance. When people use this substance consistently, they may build a tolerance for it, which means they will have to drink more alcohol to achieve the desired effects.

What is Alcohol Withdrawal?

When a person stops drinking after using alcohol regularly, withdrawal symptoms will occur. In some cases, these symptoms can be quite bearable and mild. But, in other cases, withdrawal complications can ensue, making it difficult to end alcohol use. This is when a medical detox program can be both useful and necessary.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The alcohol withdrawal symptoms timeline can last a few days, or it can last a week or more. It varies for each person with one main exception: there is a major need to support relapse prevention. However, by attending a medical alcohol detox center, support is provided for this reason.

The alcohol withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening. Most of the time, the severity and longevity of an individual’s alcohol use disorder (AUD) will play a role in what type of detox symptoms will be experienced. For example, a person who has struggled for years or is engaging in heavy drinking is more likely to develop more serious withdrawal or detox symptoms such as delirium tremens, or seizures.

Milder symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety

Severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • Delirium tremens (in rare cases)
  • Extreme hallunicantions
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures
  • Tremors

Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal Timeline

First 6-12 Hours

The initial alcohol detox symptoms are typically mild but have the capability of quickly worsening as time continues. Some early withdrawal symptoms include:
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety

Day 1

As the individual approaches the end of the first 24 hours of the medical detox process, the detox symptoms might grow increasingly worse. Being coupled with the effects experienced from the first 12 hours, the additional symptoms can include:
  • Hand tremors
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures

Day 2

This day is similar to the first full day of medical alcohol detoxification. The most painful symptoms will continue into the second day. Panic attacks and hallucinations are extremely common during this process as the individual’s body rids their system of all alcohol remains.

Days 3-7

For the rest of the withdrawal process, various sets of symptoms have the likelihood of coming and going. Around this time frame is when individuals are most at risk for life-threatening symptoms such as delirium tremens.

After Week 1

By the time an individual has officially completed their first week of alcohol detox, many of the withdrawal symptoms will start the tapering-off process. Although some symptoms can persist for a couple more weeks, the majority of the remaining symptoms are minor and can be treated with medication. It’s important to note that after the more serious withdrawal symptoms have lessened, some individuals undergo post-acute withdrawal symptoms also known as (PAWS). These symptoms typically include:
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Delayed reflexes
  • Low energy
  • Anxiety

Medications Used During Alcohol Detox

When alcohol withdrawal is treated in an inpatient rehab facility, various medications might be utilized to assist in the reduction of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. These medications can help keep an individual’s body and chemicals in balance, therefore lowering the risk of more serious complications.

In our detox facility in Pasadena, CA, the medical professional will safely administer the medication and closely monitor the effects. If the medication were to present any unwanted side effects or severely interfere with the medical alcohol detox process, other remedies can be used. The multiple medications utilized in a medical alcohol detoxification process are:

Benzodiazepines: They are the most common medication utilized to treat withdrawal symptoms by calming the central nervous system, muscle spasms, anxiety, and insomnia.

Acamprosate: Also known as Campral is prescribed to assist the individual’s brain in beginning to function normally after quitting alcohol use. It also reduces alcohol cravings.

Disulfiram: This medication works to produce intense reactions if alcohol is consumed such as low blood pressure, facial flushing, weakness, headache, and nausea. The negative effects are utilized to hopefully deter the drinker from continuing on their drinking pattern.

Naltrexone: This drug helps to reduce an individual’s alcohol cravings during the detoxification process. It works by inhibiting the high feeling that alcohol may cause and is available in an injectable or pill form.

Next Steps After Detoxification

alcohol detox program

After the alcohol detox program is over, individuals can continue fighting addiction with the help of various treatment options. Some people may choose to enter a residential treatment program (also known as inpatient treatment), in which they can live at an addiction treatment center for the duration of their treatment. People who complete an alcohol detox program can also benefit from counseling and therapy.

Therapy for Alcohol Treatment

alcohol detox program in california

After going through an alcohol detox program, individuals can benefit from addiction therapy programs. Two types of substance use disorder therapy that can help those in recovery include group therapy and individual therapy.

In group counseling sessions, people going through alcohol addiction recovery can meet with other recovering individuals and one or more therapists on a regular basis. During these sessions, group members can discuss their challenges regarding addiction treatment and recovery. They can encourage one another and develop interpersonal skills, coping mechanisms, and healthy relationships that facilitate accountability.

Individual therapy sessions take place in a one-on-one setting, involving only a therapist and the recovering individual. During these sessions, individuals can talk about the underlying problems that might have contributed to their addiction issues and unhealthy drinking habits. They can discuss their plan to stay sober after the alcohol detox is over. Individual counseling is also a great option for those who suffer from co-occurring mental health conditions and alcohol abuse.

Let Path to Recovery Help You Today!

alcohol detox program in los angeles

Alcoholism can affect people from all walks of life. People may start drinking for a variety of reasons and, in many instances, no issues arise as a result. But, for other individuals, addiction problems develop. This can lead to mental health issues, challenges at work, relationship problems, and physical health problems.

If you have noticed these issues in your life and would like to safely stop drinking alcohol, our detox team can help you. Our California drug and alcohol detox center is committed to providing medical services to those who are suffering from physical dependence on alcohol. Allow our medical staff to provide the compassionate medical care you need as you stop drinking and develop the relapse prevention techniques you need.

Path to Recovery Detox is the ideal drug and alcohol detox program to attend to your struggles. It’s essential to remember that detox is the first step in a comprehensive treatment program. It will provide the groundwork needed to sustain long-term success in your recovery journey. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, contact us for help today.

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